Midland Actors Theatre, UK

Our project was based in fact. A few years ago, two skeletons were uncovered in the Digbeth area of Birmingham. They dated from the medieval period.
There was a mystery about this discovery. How did they die? Why were they buried in unmarked graves?
We worked with groups of young people from local schools, to investigate this mystery - and come up with possible answers.
The project culminated in an exhibition at the Friends of the Earth building, which is located a stone's throw from where the skeletons were discovered.
Visitors were asked to imagine they were going to an actual archaeological dig site ( in the Friends of the Earth garden). They took part in a range of activities, and saw drama scenes showing how the people might have died.

Finally, the playwright David Calcutt took the young people's ideas, and created a new play, The Smith and the Lady, which was performed by a community cast, again in the Friends of the Earth garden.
The project was devised in association with the local historian, Professor Carl Chinn.


Discovery of skeletons dating back to medieval period